Sunday, April 29, 2012

Seek --  All That is Good

A week ago Rick and I climbed aboard the “TRAX” and rode into Salt Lake City with a few of our family members. We were interested in seeing the recently completed  “City Creek Center”.  All of the grand opening celebrations had concluded and some of the 50,000 daily guests had  lessened -- not!  It was crowded, hundreds, if not thousands had decided to visit the plaza just like we had. It was fun to see all the hustle and bustling around the downtown area once again. City Creek  has been years in the construction.  From the looks of everything Salt Lake City is thriving. It has become a central addition and influence for the city. 
I took a few minutes to observe the movement of people from a balcony position. In every direction I could see people in progress. Moving here and there,  entering and exiting stores, pushing stollers, carryng shopping bags, everyone with a goal or purpose in mind. 
          The many beautiful fountains, designed by those that created the fountains at the Bellagio  in Las Vegas, seemed to invite and welcome everyone’s touch and observation. I delighted in watching the children play in the fountain’s water.Their faces reflected joy as they danced in the water cascading. Everywhere you looked there was fresh fountains, or flowing water streams. Doesn’t really look like a shopping mall--it’s beautiful 
          North of the City Creek Center is Temple Square and the beauty continued north. It was a perfect walk in the park. By tradition the tulips had awakened the joy of color. Giant orange tulips, white poppies, blue for-get-me-nots, purple pansies. . . to name a few. I took pictures, as I want to appreciate the abundance of spring, and new beginnings.
      Rick and I stepped away from the family who wanted to do some shopping. We then enjoyed a journey back in time with some memories and  experiences on temple square.  
I took a picture of the door that once led into the baptistery. I was baptized there 54 years ago. My mind genereated a few thoughts and special feelings as I pondered my tender memory of my good father holding my hand and walking me into water. We had practiced prior to going to Temple Square just what I was supposed to do.  It made me smile just knowing that I had been so prepared and ready for baptism. 
        I snapped another picture of the Assembly Hall , where I had performed with my high school seminary choir, as well as the BYU’s Sounds of Freedom several times. 
        Just looking at the Tabernacle brought back so many experiences to mind. As a young girl our family frequented it, especially on General Conference Sunday. We always looked  forward to  the presentations by the Sunday School.  The Tabernacle was too where I sang with several performing groups.  One sweet memory was when I was twelve I was featured by the church as the “Beehive” representing the girls of the church.  It was the Golden Beehive Jubelee.  I had my picture taken for the newspaper standing by the podium.

Temple Square has often made me feel ‘at home.’  Perhaps it because of all the sweet memories, moments and lunch breaks that I was able to spend there. Working at the Federal Reserve Bank allowed me to walk up and enjoy my lunch hour every day. Some of my comfort came from all the flowers. I smiled as I thought of my mother making friends with the gardener on Temple Square years prior.  She wanted to learn about gardening. He became a good friend and teacher. He had given her numerous flower starts, bulbs, seeds, even tree starts. After which our own yard on Parkway Avenue was reguarded by many as a true garden of beauty. So in my thinking mother and daddy had indeed created a “heaven on earth.”
     Our walk through the gardens was refreshing. It wasn’t just the colors. I believe my spirit was soaking in the sacred beauty. There within a city wall was God’s varieties of all kinds--even people. 
       If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.
       In today’s world I believe we must seek diligently to fill our minds with virtuous and lovely thoughts, surround ourselves with goodness. Learn and study and fill our minds with all that is uplifting. It is up to each of us to generate goodness, and beauty.

        Speaking about generating beauty I encourage everyone to go down to the Church Museum across from Temple Square and see all the works of art that have been entered into the annual Church competition.  As you enter the building’s foyer you will see a delightful piece of art made of stained glass. It was made by Yvonne Bent, ( my niece). It’s white framed (door) invites all to ponder the beautiful elements of God’s garden.  With light coming from behind it is the perfect introduction to the art.  If one knows Yvonne, one realizes that she is constantly seeking to learn and then share her knowledge. Congratulations Yvonne, the piece is beautiful. 

       Walking back to join the family Rick and I took our time. It isn’t often that we go downtown.  However, it allowed me to think about a vision once held. There were fountains, spacious buildings, people pushing and people being lost by the wayside. It was so real as I could see it before my eyes. It led me to question: where I am in God’s plan or visioned picture? Am I focused, truly focused in things that matter most?  Am I dipping into waters that seem too inviting?  Are there fads and fashions that are tempting?  Are the voices louder than the ones I should listen too?  It is good to ponder at times and discover one's footings.
Seeking that which is good, is becoming a necessary standard. There are so many distractions in this very busy life of ours. To choose between better and best is a daily juggle. I like the words diligently and steadfast, and I pray that I will hold strong as I walk the path. 
A thought I shared at the seminaries this week:  
“Our task is to become our best selves. 
One of God’s greatest gifts to us is the joy of trying
 again, for no failure ever need be final.”  Pres. Thomas S. Monson  

Love to all,

Sunday, April 15, 2012

It's Spring!

Blessings Within the Blossom

by Shauna V. Brown

     There is something invigorating about springtime. I know that this year I have rejoiced as I have watched the bursting of the blossoms. There should be a holiday for this event. It seems the trees are singing out their souls with “popcorn balls that could smell so sweet” -- delicate flowers. Flowers that announce the hope of new possibilities.  
I almost pucker as I imagine a Granny green apple sprinkled with salt. Or recall as my mother would slice a golden pear dripping in yummy sticky juice.  I can’t forget the cherries, or the fuzzy peaches either. My mother used to slice the peaches and sprinkle them with sugar to my delight and lip licking joy. I tried to duplicate those visions and memories for my own family. 
     Daily I drive past some of the old fruit stands on State Street.  Most of the fruit stands are closed now and many of the fruit farms have been sold.   One of the fruit stands has sat vacant for at least eleven years that I know of. The metal baskets are rusting and the walls of the building are falling in.  I drive past a couple of the remaining farms and rejoice for those last few fruit farmers that treasure the harvest. Thank heavens for memories that help us recall times past. 
Sometimes I can even see my daddy and mother load up the car with baskets and cardboard boxes of fresh grown produce. In fact I recall that yearly mother had daddy drive us all the way to an Orem hillside to get some cherries from the orchard she used to pick in as a child.  It was one memory she “cherrished.” That orchard is gone now, replaced by homes and schools.  But I can still taste the cherries and giggle with the thought of just  how many I could eat before I would get sick to my stomach. Awe, such sweet memories.
From my Lindon seminary I can look down and see a blanket of pink and white blossoms.  I realize that in a few coming years there will be few if any fruit farms. Time does change things. 
      It seems my life’s path has been framed in blossoms.  I have been surrounded in possibilities and blessings.  Growing up in a loving home, surrounded by a family who truly cared for one another. I believe we were ‘hand picked’ and selected to be together.  One of our blossomed blessings was that we had a father who was committed and dedicated to his wife and family. A mother who constantly worked in providing a warm, nurturing home.  Together my parents sought the necessary environment for a thriving harvest. Granted, we were not all cherries or peaches. We were a hardy variety bunch. We were taught to enjoy the light and seek the living water. We were taught the gospel of Jesus Christ. For that I am eternally grateful. Bless you mother and daddy! 
      Just like the fruit farmer I see  the ‘family’ is being threatened. Today we hear that fewer are sensing the need for home or family. Many feel the family it is outdated, too much work, or selfishly - to expensive.
As a little girl I thought everyone wanted to be a mother or father, and have bunches of children and gather them for family prayer, and dinners around the table.  Sadly I know that fewer and fewer are seeing the purpose or the blessing within the blossoms.  Working with the young single adults we are realizing that fewer believe in the need for marriage, committment, or children.
    I recall with vividness my mother sharing some of the sad stories of those living at the Atria Assisted Care Center with her. There were many who had never had any visitors. Some shared how their lives just didn’t include having a family. Their career was top priority. Some had chosen to remain single. There were widows who had not been able to have children, or didn’t want any. Many expressed to mother how they envied her constant stream of family visits.  Frequently they shared their regrets in having chosen that independent path. There were no blossoms to frame their pictures. No one to remember or recall memories. Their lives were now very lonely.
     Blessings Within the Blossoms.... yes, family is a sweet blessing to savor. The greatest blessing we can savor is our Savior.  Hopefully, we might all consider that the apple  (each one of us ) doesn't fall far from the tree. 
     Every time I see an apple sliced I think of my sweetheart Rick. Frequently he would create a tray of goodies to share with his children, or guests.  Peanut butter and apples, cheese and crackers, red twisty vines, and “come catch the bubbles”--7up.  Smiles were always expressions of gratitude and 
     “Man is that he might have joy.” 
There is nothing like an armful of hugs and squeezes and dancing children. I believe joy comes by counting the blessings, expressing gratitude, and extending to others the joy in having children.  I count each one of mine as a great blessing--and miracle.  I too know that each was handpicked and selected for our Brown’s Sunshine Factory.  
        I looked out the window and what did I see? 
Blossoms of joy given unto me.  Oh, my soul doth delight!!
     Last weekend our family was gathered for an Easter celebration. Briant was offering the family prayer when he prayed that Heavenly Father might bless “Baby Brown”.  To everyones surprise and joy.  Egg-actly-- another blessing and eternal blossom is beginning to grow on our family branch.  Rejoice!  It is spring once again.    Congratulations Camille and Briant!  Baby Bud is due in October.
     Love to all! 
Have a sunshine day. . . with a cherry on top!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter-- Time to Rejoice!!

    The headline read: LDS Church to blitz YouTube, Facebook with messages of Jesus Christ on Easter weekend.
    I was excited to join in the blitz... and add my voice of testimony. It was sweet to see that many had added their feelings for their Savior, Jesus Christ.   [ ] will lead you there - if interested.
    At a time in the world when so many are turning their backs to even the very thought that such a man as JESUS CHRIST has ever existed. How sad it must be for Jesus to realize that such an incredible sacrifice would someday be met with the description of “invention.” 
    So where do we stand--- you and I?   Where are our thoughts concerning Jesus Christ? Is He for real? Did He do what he is 
reported to have done--submitted to the will of the Father and paid the price for all--- so that we can live again?  
     I guess the thoughts of Easter are too close to my heart... as I have been preparing to give a talk in Sacrament Meeting today.        Everyone should pretend they are having to speak about Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday. There is nothing like research to regenerate a deeper devotion.  So I took a bit of time to write down those personal moments when I have felt His closeness in my life.  It has been a most precious experience.

     I wish the following melody could come forth as you read...a hymn I grew up singing as a child: I Stand All Amazed 
        I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me.
Confused at the grace that so fully he profers me.
I tremble to know that for ME he was cruicified,
That for me a sinner, he suffered, he bled and died.
Oh, it is wonderful - that he should care for me, 
enough to die for me.
Oh, it is wonderful, wonderful to me.    

     What a special, wonderful, blessing for me. I rejoice in life! I love my Heavenly Father, my brother Jesus Christ and all those who have sacrificed to give me purpose and worth.
      Part of my Easter talk was about my experience in giving birth to my first child, and the pain felt. I shared how I had nine months to study, contemplate the pain and prepare for the delivery. However, one can never truly prepare for the intensity of it.  
     Made me think: How long did Jesus  have to ponder and prepare for his Gethsemane?
    Here’s my personal quote of the day
“I was willing to give my all for one, 
but Jesus Christ  was willing to 
give His all -- for all.” sb 
I shared in part a dream that Elder Orson Whitney had of being in the Garden of Gethsemane and observing Jesus Christ.  If you haven’t read it, take a moment and locate it. It becomes very personal. [Elder Whitney... The Divinity of Jesus Christ, Improvement Era 1926 .  I’m sure you can google it as well.]
       Enjoy your Easter.... 
                          it was meant for each of us.

With Love,   Shauna

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Praise the Lord • Sing Hallelujah! 
• He is Risen

by Shauna V. Brown 

    In 1987 Rick and  I traveled as guests of Rev. Sun Yung Moon to Korea.  We, along with about 20 other Latter-day Saints were invited as representatives for the church.   Rick and I were serving as advisors to the Young Single Adults at the time. 
This experience would prove to be life changing experience for me.  I must admit when we first considered going I was nervous as I definately didn’t consider myself well scholared in the Bible. I knew we would be surrounded and exposed to numerous beliefs. I didn’t want to embarrass anyone with my lack of knowledge.  I was mostly concerned about the “Bible Belt” folks as I believed most of them would be Bible scholars.
  Upon arrived in Korea we were placed within  buses to travel to a conference center. Rev. Sun Yung Moon was spending  thousands, if not milliions of dollars to hold weekly conferences to expose people to his beliefs. We were his guests. He had been holding similar conferences for over a year. Our conference hosted about 5- 600 people from all over America. There were individuals representing the Methodists, Quakers, Unitiarians, Baptists, Mennonites, Penticostals, Evangelicals, everyone one including the Pastor for the “Church on the Corner.”  
It was all exciting as we met many Pastors, Priests, leaders and companions. So interesting to learn about their beliefs. It truly was an event I have thanked my Heavenly Father for. It was a smorgasbord of spiritual learning. Not about what I believed, but what others believed, and then what they would believe of me. Would the see the similiarities? Would they seek to understand? 
       The ride from the airport was a bit of a distance and so the advisor assigned to our bus led a discussion with us concerning our varied and different faiths. Our advisor was warm and welcoming, and had the ability to allow everyone to relax.  I can’t recall how it happened, I only can remember with vivid sweetness the moment when he asked if I might share a favorite song of our church. Instantly my mind was flooded with melodies. But I had no hymn book. I knew at least the first verse of many, The Spirit of God,  Oh, My Father, High on a Mountain Top, We Thank Thee Oh God for  Prophet, Jesus the Very Thought of Thee . What would and could reflect a special song for our religion?  I know that first impressions are critical.  I pondered for a moment. Then I felt to share one of my very favorites. I had sung it thousands of time when I was touring with the Sounds of Freedom and the Young Ambassadors. We would sing it at the conclusion of a performance. Many times it would render the audience to tears. 
 “I Am a Child of God”.   I told how our little primary children learn and sing this song. 
 Standing in the front aisle of the bus, holding the microphone and singing sweet words: 
    I am a child of God and He has sent me here. 
Has given me and earthly home with parents kind and dear. 
Lead me, guide me, walk beside me. Help me find the way. 
Teach me all that I must do. To live with Him some day.

          The words... are presious and true.  It wasn’t long before I realized that many were listening intently. I only wish that I could have had accompainment. However, it was and will forever be a tender memory for me.  It was amazing how many had no belief that we truly are children of a Heavenly Father.
 I looked into faces unknown to me, but I know God knew them. I prayed that I could see each one through His eyes. It was an experience that I shall always treasure.After many days and experiences I came to realize that a testimony of Jesus Christ is of great worth and a gift. A gift meant to share again and again.
One of my favorite moments came during a rally when revival music was being played. It was easy for me to stand and get involved and enjoy the rhythm. I clapped, sang loud and swayed with the crowd. [ Not everyone did)  Apparently many of the congregation thought I had received a witness of the spirit .  
         “You done got the Holy Ghost Sister! ”  I smiled, and answered, 
         “No I received that gift when I was eight.” Imagine the interest and conversation from then on. 

 I think we all need revivals.  Spiritual revivals...  Where we stand up and praise the Lord and invite everyone to enjoy the spirit, enjoy the light, and share the gratitude for having a Redeemer and Savior.  
        I believe I succeeded in spreading the joy and a bit of the "Mormon" in me when a few of the southern Pastors asked if they could have a picture taken with a real “Mormon Gal.”   
Perhaps Rev. Moon had another purpose in inviting so many to Korea & Japan--hoping to open our eyes to the world and what others believe.  I am thankful I took a step into the unknown.  I made new friends and enjoyed relationships and learned how blessed Rick and I were to spend 14 days sharing our testimony of Jesus Christ, our beliefs while studing scripture and rubbing shoulders with those seeking the same--‘Coming to Jesus.’ 
Isn’t that what life is all about? This is the time for all of us to prepare to meet God. 
Jesus Christ has given everything possible so that we ultimately can return to Him-- some day.  My goal is to strive daily to keep my thoughts, my actions and heart centered on Jesus Christ.
May we all  take a moment this week and rejoice in Jesus Christ, and his love for each of us. Let the congregation say   “AMEN!” 

Love to you all,